
The Impact of Domoscio Adaptive Learning: Insights and Results

Last Updated on
September 22, 2022
Alicja King

The challenge: to optimise the learning levels of employees

At the beginning of this project, AG2R La Mondiale identified a clear problem: to be effective in their jobs, employees need to acquire knowledge which is specific to the insurance sector and commercial skills. But the time an employee spends in learning means time away from clients, meaning there’s a portion of time where the employee isn’t generating revenue.

For AG2R La Mondiale, the challenge was to ensure that every employee had sufficient proficiency in key knowledge and skills, and to improve the reinforcement of knowledge over time, while respecting the regulatory framework specific to the insurance sector.

With the aim of optimising skills development, AG2R La Mondiale chose to implement an adaptive learning system to evaluate the skills of each individual and adapt the learning paths accordingly. Based on the principle that learners have heterogeneous profiles - depending on their past experience, learning, ability to rapidly acquire new skills, etc. Adaptive learning aims to provide a better understanding of the individual's skills and adapt learning programmes accordingly. This positions each person's level of competence in order to highlight their areas of progress and suggest remedial teaching content.

A pilot to demonstrate the impacts of our services...

The deployment of adaptive learning was carried out in two phases: a pilot phase and a run phase. The objectives of the pilot phase were as follows:

  1. To increase the skills of AG2R La Mondiale's learning team in terms of learning engineering related to adaptive learning
  2. To validate the integration of the service into the tools already in place, and in particular into the CrossKnowledge LMS
  3. To demonstrate the impact of the system in terms of optimising skills development

After identifying a scope for this pilot - the Beginning Advisors' Course - the learning team designed an initial adaptive learning experience with the help of a Domoscio expert. This experience was then uploaded to the AG2R La Mondiale LMS to launch a three-month experiment. After three months, the pilot phase revealed two main indicators:

  • 90% of learners have completed their assessment, which enables the learner AND the manager to obtain a precise view of their level of competence in relation to the job expectations
  • 91% of the learning content recommended to the learners were actually followed, which demonstrates a strong commitment on their part to their individualised path, and ensures their skills are enhanced

...Followed by a larger-scale deployment phase

Once the pilot phase had been validated, the run phase could begin. The aim is to deploy the same system to all counsellors concerned and broaden the scope in terms of skills and themes: each employee must be able to benefit from a tailor-made path to acquire all the knowledge and skills that are needed for their job.

To move into the run phase, two elements remained to be put in place:

  • Domoscio's learning team to create adaptive learning experiences corresponding to other skills and themes (social security, inheritance, customer relations, etc.)
  • Access to the functional support service, so questions regarding the service could be answered by the Domoscio team.

The results 1.5 years after the launch of the project:

While the adaptive learning project was launched a year and a half ago, and the run phase, a year ago, AG2R La Mondiale comments: "Once the design and architecture of the content had been completed, we found an internal organisation to enable each of our learners to benefit from a totally individualised skills development plan. The Campus Pro Commercial team is autonomous in the day-to-day management of the system. From the creation of adaptive learning paths to their deployment, including the monitoring of statistics - and the Domoscio team is responsive to our questions”. (Aurélie Besnard, Head of Business Learning Paths).

And the results obtained in the pilot phase are always met or exceeded! As an example, the last class of counsellors who participated in an adaptive learning experience in February 2022 showed the following results:

  • 89% of the learners completed all their actions during their adaptive learning experience (positioning questionnaire and follow-up of recommendations)
  • 100% of the recommendations for learning content were followed by the learners

Aurélie Besnard adds: "With Domoscio, the success rate and the reinforcement of each of the key skills has increased. The employee knows where he or she needs to progress and, for each skill not acquired, he or she has direct access to the content that will help him or her to develop the skill. All of this is done in complete autonomy and without having to search for the appropriate content within the Campus Pro Commercial.”

Want to experience Domoscio/myskillcamp's adaptive learning success for yourself,
book a demo here.

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