
5.5 'Must-Haves' for a Successful Coach: Enhancing Training Career

Last Updated on
March 29, 2022
Alicja King

If you're looking to make your training career more successful then there are two main subjects to think about; the learners, and the courses.

As we're often asked about this, we decided to create a list to help trainers organise what they need and show the solutions on offer to help them achieve success quicker.

1. Create a business hub

Fewer than 24% of coaches can sustain themselves on their coaching career alone, this is because it's not enough to be a coach, you have to have a coaching business. A way to get started is having a business hub, a place where all your content exists, where you can be reached, where you can communicate with your learners.

Having a website or a good Learning eXperience Platform (LXP) can help you achieve this. Firstly, it helps you be found quicker, and present yourself as a legitimate trainer. Secondly, with all your courses being on the same site, it increases the likelihood a learner will stay on the site for longer and take more than one course. Thirdly, if a learner runs into an issue they will be able to easily contact you - making the process as easy as possible is key.

For example, our LXP lists a trainer's courses in one location, enables chat and presents the trainer's bio clearly. Plus any extra courses can be imported or created onsite - making it an easy to use site to control.

2. Give an authentic experience

The days of a trainer presenting solely in an office setting are finished. This means you can work from anywhere, (hooray!) but it also means you have to find another way of providing an authentic learning experience.

Start with thinking about the courses you offer, are they the best type of learning on the market? Does it include blended learning, e learning, gamification and multimedia? Including these types of courses help to keep learners engaged for longer, and appeals to all learner types. Think about it; would you rather offer text-heavy courses or ones that include audio, video, and quizzes?

There are many tools for creating multimedia courses, check out our top picks. Similarly, all multimedia is accepted on our platform, which may be easier than importing them onto your website.

3. Engage with your learners

Think about what happens during and after your existing courses, is there a way for learners to see their progress, or for you to monitor how they're finding your courses? Being able to see progress they will feel more motivated to continue and improve. Similarly, you will be able to suggest more courses and discover gaps in their knowledge - creating an opportunity for you.

To do this, create a scoring system that both you and your learners can see, coupled with an active chat functionality. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but being able to offer support when a learner is struggling or looking for new content will be a huge benefit. If creating something like this leaves you baffled, no need to worry, myskillcamp can offer you this functionality as part of the package.

4. Monitor your courses

All courses that you offer will need to be refreshed for one reason or another, perhaps the information has changed, perhaps a point you made could be clearer, maybe you notice the course isn't as popular as you thought it would be. To change a course should be a matter of reuploading (or if you're a member of myskillcamp, you can edit on the platform).

To know if a course needs to be changed is another matter, you can systematically review your courses, or can opt for your learners to do it for you. Implementing a reviewing system or a comment section per course is highly effective for spotting areas of improvement - as well as seeing what people want to learn next. Third party reviewing platforms can be used or integrated with your website. Alternatively, this is another process that is included with myskillcamp. Each course has a review and comment section.

5. Diversify the content you offer

As well as monitoring existing courses, it's a good idea to continually add new offerings. Courses that follow-on from each other, and some new topics, give learners options to stay on your site. It also makes your business hub look well-established. You can then promote new courses online so more people will see it's on your site.

However, if you're teaching as well, you may find it difficult to create new courses regularly. If you were thinking of signing up to myskillcamp then you will be able to supplement your existing courses by accessing our marketplace. We have over 300,000 courses in over 18 languages that can help you fill in the gaps you may have in your learner journey. These courses will be added to your company's site so your learners won't have to go elsewhere, and many of the courses on the marketplace are free.

5.5. Add to your learner base & income

Okay, so this isn't a 'must have', but it's a 'pretty nice to have as well'. If you did decide to sign up to myskillcamp you can also sell your own courses on our marketplace. This means you can earn extra money on top of your monthly earnings, and have your courses seen by more learners.

So on top of your own personalised business hub, analytics, multimedia-enabled courses, chat and review section - you can also sell your courses with us.

If you would rather go it alone, then we hope our list of 'must have's were helpful and you build a successful training career. If you'd like to speed up the process then reach out to us, we're here to help, and can offer you a 30 day free trial to our site > book your trial today.

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